
The Cornholio Effect?

I am almost ashamed to admit that it took me over 5 days to realize that I still had not conducted one of the most fascinating science experiments of all time : 'What direction does water flow down a toilet/sink in the Southern Hemisphere?'. I'm sure there are going to be people who actually paid attention during class or even fans of the Simpsons (HEY! Prime Ministah!) who insist they knoe the answer. I maintain that's all conjecture until I see it myself.

Unfortunately, all three attempts that I've made to conduct the above-referenced experiment have been met with futility. Apparently, the toilets in Zambia (I've tested two) don't use the same flushing process of Western toilets; instead, they prefer to create what can best described as an eruption of water followed by the most powerful suction force known to man to bring the water back before it has a chance to twirl. I thought the sink would be a viable option but alas it was clogged and drained very slowly. Sadly, the experiment is still inconclusive.

A few other updates. I am getting destroyed by insects while I sleep (and by destroyed, I mean I have like five or six small bumps). I have a strong suspicion that it is bedbugs. If, however, it is malaria-infected mosquitoes my death watch is now at 6 days.

Zambia is a country where every home/building is protected by a gate and a security guard 24/7. For those keeping score, the number of gates I have scaled: 1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugh...the toilets in Australia did the exact same thing. I must have told you that when I was there. screw that whole hemisphere and their lame toilets.