(Editor's Note: This post was originally intended for Wednesday 24/10/07. Unfortunately, the internet went down and it had to be posted the next morning.)
I have some spare time this afternoon and thought this would be a perfect opportunity to expand on some topics I have neglected to discuss.
I just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone back home a Happy Zambian Independence Day! Personally, my vigor for Zambian Independence couldn’t be confined to a single day, so I have dedicated the entire week to celebrating. How? Wearing different colored shirts for all four work days this week to correspond with the 4 colors of the Zambian flag: Green, Orange, Red, and Black. I’m almost TOO proud of this idea.
Here is a list of ‘exotic’ animals I have seen since arriving in Zambia:
(1) Tacooo, the stray cat
(2) zebras
(3) giraffes
(4) monkeys
(5) a baboon
(6) hippos
(7) elephants
The sarcastic part of me wants to make a joke about how unnoteworthy these sightings are for anyone who has even been to a zoo, but I won’t. It really is pretty exciting when you put it in perspective. As my sister put best, "I am still impressed that you go camping and see hippos and elephants. I go camping and I see a squirrel and a deer hooah." (Side note: A few co-workers, hearing about the failed camping trip the previous weekend, generously took us camping this past weekend. It was a fantastic time, even for an experienced camper like me.)
Tacoo Tuesday did happened again last night and I am optimistic that it can be a weekly tradition.
Montana State-Billings, my simulated D-II college basketball team on the site WhatifSports, once again lost in the Elite 8 in heartbreaking fashion. For those who may not be following the team that closely (side note: Shame on you.), this past season marks the 6th consecutive season they have had an RPI of 10 or better and the 3rd time in 6 seasons I have advanced to the Elite 8 and lost. For some reason, this loss crushed me more than previous losses. I genuinely felt bad for the group of 6 seniors who graduated without a Final Four appearance and so I took a 5 day break from the site to mentally collect myself. Did I mention the players aren’t real? Have I mentioned that I’m living in Zambia, a country with a 60% unemployment rate?
I really want to implement a Zambian-themed mailbag. This was jointly motivated by me reading a Simmons column and a hilariously funny question from one of my buddies about my hatred for Topenga. Let’s be honest, I don’t live that interesting of a life and I am going to eventually run out of interesting topics to dedicate a blog to. The basic premise of this mailbag is that you would be providing me with material to post and I would take the easy task of responding. My simple request is that you start e-mailing me questions about anything you want (about life in Zambia, Boy Meets World, my man crush on B-Roth, etc). I knoe for a fact that several of my readers can come up with humorous questions. Don’t disappoint me like you all did by not supporting my fan club. You should all have my e-mail address, but if not post yours in the comment section and I will send mine. If no one sends any questions, I’m going to start making up questions. Your choice.
I mentioned that I read several Bill Simmons columns this morning. Don’t worry, I avoided all columns specifically about the NFL in my failing attempt to not follow the regular season (and by failing, I mean pretty much completely failed. I watched PTI the other night and ‘heard’ about the Steelers losing a game to Denver on a last second field goal this past weekend. I am spending half of the time acting like I never heard the result and the other half convincing myself that there is no way B-Roth could possibly lose to Jake Plummer (is he still the QB?) and that this was further indication that he was executing his plan even more perfectly than I could imagine). Anyways, Bill Simmons is easily my favorite writer and probably a partial inspiration for my writing style so it was nice to finally read his columns.
B-Roth only lost on Sunday (not that it was his fault) to give the Steelers better lines for the next few games. I still believe in the Pennington-Broth Corollary; in fact, I'm already looking ahead to the 2008 season. I have nothing against the Steelers, but I miss saying JAAAAAAAAAY, EEEEEEEEEEE, TEEEEEEEEEEEEE, ESSSSSSSSSSSS, JETS, JETS, JETS!!
As usual very entertaining. I will admit the sports talk sounds like the teacher from the Peanuts to me (wa wa wa wa waaaa) Look I can't know everything... I have never heard of Simmons and will read his columns, you learn something new everyday( worthless knowledge but knowledge nonetheless) what color is your shirt today? (my question for you now discuss.....)
Jake Plummer retired to pursue his handball career:
I love that picture!
Okay. Breaking the link into pieces. It's worth the cut-and-paste:
Someone emailed me this and I immediately thought of your blog
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