
The Obvious Blog Post About Topenga

As many of you are now aware, Topenga from Boy Meets World fame was arrested this weekend on drunken driving charges.

The unfolding of this fantastic news has made me happy on so many levels.

(1) The obvious level. I forgive her for being so contradictory. I forgive her for getting so fat, which we saw (in the later seasons), and we knoe how awful she looked. But that she had to keep Corey from seeing Lauren…. NO! NO! I TOLD you I hate Topenga!

(2) The indirect benefits of Topenga making headlines. I had four separate people from back home immediately think of me when they heard the news and felt compelled to bring it to my attention. I am again comforted by the fact that I have surrounded myself by such zamazing people who truly understand me and what’s important to me. I want to first give props to Siobhan, who broke news of this story so quickly that I think she knew it happened before Topenga’s parents. I also have to give props to Lindsey, often the recipient of a lot of flack from me over things like not caring as much about BMW to the extent that I do, because she nailed my sentiments on the news when she wrote, “I thought this might please you immensely.”

(3) The fact that an overweight actress who was on a TGIF show over 5 years ago actually made it onto CNN’s front page online.

So, yeah. This was a great, late, unexpected Christmas present.

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