
V-Day Announcement

February 14th: St. Valentine’s Day. In Zambia, just as much as in the United States, today is intended to be a day for one to recognize and acknowledge the love they share with certain people in your life.

For me, I would like to use this blog on this day as my outlet for officially documenting that it was I who broke up with Kristen. Any other report you may hear in your daily lives or read on the internet is 100% inaccurate. In the midst of an important discussion regarding the most attractive female duo combination to ever appear on a television show (obviously Amanda Bynes and Jennie Garth on WILAY), she had the audacity to argue this title belonged to Joey Potter and Jen Linley from Dawson’s Creek. Considering the awfulness of Jen, I feel completely justified in severing all ties with Kristen effective immediately.

That’s all.

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